
Warehouse Safety Audit Tool- Beware of Accident and Injuries

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Warehouse Safety Audit Tool- Beware of Accident and Injuries

The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) reports warehouse in America own a disproportionately high accident rate in comparison to other sectors. OSHA also says the fatal injury rate is more than America's national average for all workplaces.

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A closer look at the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports provides a better insight into the problems facing warehouses. Their findings support OSHA's accounts of warehouses having more severe accidents and injury rates. The BLS also highlights these four-outstanding data from the reports:

1. The yearly warehouse injury rate in the U.S. is 5 cases per 100 full-time employees.

2. The rate of severe injuries stands as 3.7 cases per 100 employees.

3. The cases considered less serious is given as 1.7% for warehouse employees.

4. Almost all injuries recorded are notably preventable.

The 4th point highlights the importance of the Warehouse Safety Audit. Workplaces who employ the right safety programs are more effective and suffered fewer injuries and less productivity loss. 

The significance of the Warehouse Safety Audit from a financial perspective also shows most businesses cannot pay for the outcomes of an unsafe workplace. 

Keep this significance in mind SCMDOJO has developed a comprehensive Warehouse Safety Audit Tool which you can use as a consultant for your company and identify areas for improvements.

This self-assessment type Warehouse Safety Audit Tool also:

  • Encourages employee’s involvement and responsibility in driving warehouse safety improvement.
  • Encourages staff to reflect on their role and contribution to the key warehouse safety awareness.
  • Allows staff to see and reflect on their peers' assessment of their contribution.
  • Focuses on the development of employees' judgment skills


For warehouse working environments, the 14 Categories to Consider includes:

1. Warehouse General Safety and Materials Handling

2. Forklift Operator Safety Checklist

3. Warehouse Forklift Safety

4. Back Safety & Lifting

5. Loading Dock Safety

6. Floor/ Walking and Working Surfaces

7. Warehouse Racking And Storage / Pallets/Racks/Storage Practices

8. Fire Equipment/Exits

9. Fire Hazards

10. Hazardous Materials/ Hazard Communication/Chemical Safety

11. Ladders

12. Electrical Safety

13. Compressed Gas Cylinders

14. Warehouse – COVID-19

You need simply select Yes and No choices for each category, If N/A is selected, it will not be accounted for in the total score. Once you complete the self-assessment you will get 2 graphs as shown below


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